Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Much Needed 2 Minute Call

I awoke today to a beautiful warm and sunny morning. Off to a good start and then a quick change of mood. I have been overall happy and just trying to keep busy....then every once in awhile I have a step back. I had a poor is me hour or so. The tears welled up and the flow of water would not stop. I found myself falling to my knees and pleading with my Heavenly Father to help me understand my life and purpose. I cried and asked why my journey to adoption has been so long and difficult? After all, I know so many who have had a much easier time. I pleaded to let some good come our way. To make this journey of foster care and adoption easier....and possibly end with a happy note. Today, we had to retake our yearly behavior management coarse. I think these are a joke, after having raised a good son for nearly sixteen years. On top of the fact that our luck is soooo bad. None the less, we went and sat through the class. We are now current on everything due for awhile. To my surprise, I had a voice message on my phone from Miss K. I promptly returned her call and we spoke for about 2-3 minutes. Then I heard her mother enter the room and Miss K had to abruptly hang up. I am guessing that she may have called without moms permission. She told me that she loved me, received her photo album and I was able to tell her that I loved her and that she could call whenever she wanted. Although, this was not the call or the news that could fix our desires (for adding to the family) prayers were answered today by the fact that I received Kalista's phone call. This was a very nice blessing!

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