Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Our future..Our new President

the presidential topic is always a hot button with some. i have remained quiet on the topic with most. i have not read the inaugural speech too in depth yet...but have liked much of what i have heard and read. i am one that agrees our country needs change and will support our president as an obligation to my country.

i must say that i like one line in particular that President Obama said during his speech...."Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America".

i believe that President Obama has inherited many problems and that our country is in for a bumpy ride.....with this i say Mr President...please fulfill your promises, hopes and dreams for our country. help us to get back on track for our kids and future generations to come.


  1. Kudos! I watched his speech and was very moved. I voted for Obama because I think our country needs a big change... shake things up. I agree, he has his work cut out for him and a lot of high hopes. I don't envy his position. I think we are off to a good start. I just want our country to be self-reliant and more "America" focused (stop thinking we can actually create democracy in Iraq...h e l l o). Enough said.
