Sunday, December 28, 2014

Random Holiday Activities

December contained a variety of activities that were enjoyed.

 Since Charles and I both enjoy peppermint bark...we decided that we would make our own.
It was a little more challenging than planned...but the final product was quite delicious

 a selfie with the snowman at our ward Christmas dinner
 another selfie at the Not So Silent Night Christmas concert
bands featured-Blue October, OAR, Ingrid Michealson, Daughtrey and Train.
 tickets purchased for this hottie who likes Train
 My mom is the coolest mom that you can ask for...
she has always been in touch with the music her kids listen to
 probably going to be my last concert for awhile with my concert mate Kaitlin
(as she is embarking on nursing school life)

we heard about this recipe on one of the morning shows and decided that we had to try it
 Charles cooked up a delicious pork loin dinner 
Enjoying the drive out to the ranch

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